大学を出たばかりのエンジニア・Riley Diazは、ノーベル賞科学者・Omar Bell博士の研究プロジェクトのスタッフとして博士の所有する島で働きはじめるが、この島は何かがおかしいと訝しむようになる。やがてRileyの肉体が少しづつ女性化を始め...!?

Given the opportunity of a lifetime, newly graduated engineer Riley Diaz takes a job working for a renowned, Nobel Prize-winning scientist. Before he knows it, he's whisked off to a private island paradise where he's put to work developing a piece of life-changing technology. But as the the island's population begins to experience peculiar changes, Riley starts to suspect that the island isn't what it appears to be. As he tries to cope with his own changing body, Riley must attempt to discover the truth of the island and its owner, Dr. Omar Bell.


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