
MikeはNYのマジソン・アベニューに勤めるエリートサラリーマン。卒業後10年で集まったハイスクール同窓会に帰郷して参加するが、そこにはかつて自分の弱みを握って虐めた女性・Allison Caineも来ていた!性産業で女王様として君臨するようになっていたAllisonにMikeは10年振りに付け込まれ、女装姿でホテルのベッドに縛り付けられ、目の前ではかれの憧れ女性が別の元クラスメートとメイクラブ...。




Return of the Bully (English Edition) Gable, Kylie(著), Acosta, Claudia(著), Harris, Mindi(編集)@アマゾン

Two years ago was Mike's 10-year high school reunion. He went back to his old town to attend and found his old high school bully Allison Caine was also attending and time had done nothing to fade her love of making his life a living Hell. She was a very successful dominatrix who wasn't the least bit impressed with his Madison Avenue job. She left him crossdressed and zip-tied to a chair in his hotel room waiting for his high school crush to make love to another of his classmates in his hotel room bed.

Two years have passed and the coronavirus has been tough on sex workers. Allison needing a day job talks to the president of Mike's company and lands a job as Mike's secretary. He can't fire her and he can't quit. She's determined to do to his personal life what she did to his love life two years earlier.


J.J PARTY ワンピース レディース 春 夏 レース ドレス 透かし彫り Aライン ミモレ丈 長袖 発表会 通勤 パーティー お呼ばれ 長袖 結婚式 フォーマル フレア シースルー セクシー 裏地あり 二次会 披露宴 (XL(ブラック)) J.J PARTY@アマゾン