
映画がトーキーへと変わる時代。無声映画でスター男優だった主人公は、声質が甲高く女性的すぎてトーキー転身断念の危機に瀕していた。プロデューサーから「役者を辞めるか、声質に合わせて外見を変えるか?」という究極の選択を迫られた彼は女装して女優としての再デビューを果たし人気を博すが、タブロイドメディアにその秘密を知られてはいけない... そして「美人女優」に言い寄る男ども... どうする!?

I was a leading man in the days of silent cinema. That all changed when those blasted Talkies started taking over theaters. Oh sure, I had the fair skin and the delicate features for black and white film, but I couldn’t do a movie with sound.

My voice was just too feminine.

My producer offered me a choice - walk away from it all, or change my look. Lots of actors were doing it - you know, adapting with the times.

I was the only one who had to become an actress.

The timing was perfect. Flappers were all the rage back then, with their pixie-bobs, their shapely dresses, and their preference toward a slim, sultry figure. I could be the most stunning gal on the studio lot.

I could become the world’s greatest starlet of the silver screen.

But how long can I keep it up before the tabloids find out my secret?

And who can resist the charms of that A-list leading man they’ve paired me with for the world’s first million-dollar motion picture?

Certainly not this starlet.

It was all just an act - then it became so wonderfully real…