
映画俳優を夢見てLAにやってきたKevinは、オーディションで業界の有名監督・Cecilia Hargroveの眼に留まる。そこまでは良かったが、CeciliaはなんとKevinに「女優」になることを要求してきた!応えられれば成功は疑い無しだが、どうするKevin...!?

Kevin always knew he was meant for fame. That's why he moved to Los Angeles to find a prominent acting career. After a grueling audition the producer, Cecilia Hargrove, likes what she sees of Kevin and offers to meet up. Cecilia is the most well known producer in the industry. If Kevin can impress her, he will find the fame he's always wanted. But he has a tough choice to make: Become Cecilia's little princess, or let her ruin his chances to ever work again. Will Kevin become Karen for the famous producer?


[ISLAYCAOLILA] メタリック ワンピース カシュクール タイト ミニ クラブドレス 光沢 Vネック 長袖 ハイウエスト ギャザー レディース DU4 ユニス (XL, ブラック)@アマゾン