
潜入取材で名を売ってきたフリー記者・Ben Cooperは2年前潜入取材に入ったきり失踪状態の同業記者を追うという仕事を新たに受けたが、その潜入先はなんと全寮制女子大・Mercier College!性転換薬を飲んで変身、Kaylee Carlisleとして潜入したBenは、慣れない女性としての生活や詮索好きのルームメイトに絡まれて苦労しながらも失踪した記者の謎に近づいていくのだが...!?

After getting in trouble at work, investigative journalist Ben Cooper is assigned to a new case. To find out exactly what happened to a journalist that went missing over two years ago by retracing the man's steps. The only problem is that those steps end at the reclusive Mercier College for Women.

Ben Cooper finds himself taking the gender changing X-Change pill to go undercover as Kaylee Carlisle, but things rapidly spiral out of control. His roommate is a quirky and highly inquisitive woman, and the dominant captain of the soccer team seems to be able to turn his brain and knees to jelly. On top of having to get accustomed to the workings of his new body, and struggling with his professional code of ethics, he has to try to figure out what happened to the missing journalist.

One thing is certain though. Whatever happens, his life will never be the same again.


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